Friday 8 May 2015

VE Day

Today we marked the 70th anniversary of Victory in Europe. 

Earlier in the week, we learnt about the war and talked about how tough it was for all involved. We then were able to think about why VE Day was so important! 

We made lots of decorations during the week, getting ready for our special day to  celebrate VE Day. 

We had a special assembly first thing in the morning where we talked about the significance of VE Day and watched some footage of people finding out the war was over. 

This morning we wrote poetry inspired by VE Day (photos of this to follow!). Each class wrote poetry and so many poems are excellent- conveying both the hardship of war as well as the relief and jubilation that VE Day marked. 

Each class also made a wreath, themed to commemorate some of the countries that were liberated. 

We had a special assembly at 3 o'clock when we presented our wreaths to our school cenotaph display and observed the silence. 

During the afternoon we celebrated with a whole school street party on the playground and then took part in a multitude of 1940s activities. These included lindyhop dancing, hoops, marbles, tiddlywinks, hopscotch, maypole dancing, pin the flag on the UK, blind man's buff and more! 

Here are a few photos from the day. Check out some of our school twitter feeds for more from our VE Day celebrations.

Saturday 7 March 2015

A Tale Unfolds

We have started a new literacy and film project. Over the next few weeks, we will be writing different text types, editing and improving our work and then turning each piece of writing into the next piece of our film.

And you might be wondering what our film will be called... Cindy, Ann and Bones and the temple of Boom (inspired by Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom!) 

We have started off by creating our three main characters- Cindy Ann and Bones. We then wrote character descriptions which we then filmed. 

We have really enjoyed the first piece of the project and are looking forward to moving onto the next stage our project! 

World book day

Today we celebrated world book day. We all dressed up as a book character and brought in a favourite book to share with others.

Staff decided to dress as Harry Potter characters- here are some of the teachers in their outfits. 

Here are the adults who work in the year 5/6 team. 

As part of our celebrations, Mrs Keeble planned a great day for the children as rookie spies. We designed gadgets, did finger-printing, completed obstacle and agility courses and identified a double-agent! 

Saturday 7 February 2015

Saxon/ Viking dance

Here we are striking poses for the opening of our Viking/Saxon dance...

Sunday 25 January 2015


For our art,  we have been working in small groups to create collages of the helmet found at Sutton Hoo. 
Here are some photos of what we are working towards creating. 

And here are some photos of us in action...
(We haven't quite finished them yet so I'll post some photos when they are completed.)