Tuesday 30 September 2014

Southwell workhouse

Today Arnhem and Holy Cross classes went to Southwell workhouse as part of our learning about the Victorians. For the morning we took on the role of real Victorian children, experiencing what it would have been like to live and work in the workhouse. We dressed up and then boys and girls split up as they would have had different experiences in the workhouse. 
Here are some photos from our day. We will be doing follow up work in class over the next week and will hopefully get some work up on our blog soon! 

Friday 26 September 2014

Gravity fields trip

On Friday Arnhem class and Holy Cross class went to the Gravity Fields Festival in Grantham. We had six different science themed activities and workshops  over the day which we thoroughly enjoyed.  These included a show called Glorious Blood, visiting the 17th Century Apothecary and learning about the physics of the fairground (including the opportunity to go on two fairground rides!)

Here are some photos of our day:

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Friday 19 September 2014

Week 3

In maths we have been looking at our written methods for addition and subtraction.

In literacy we have been writing descriptions and also diary entries in the role of Queen Victoria recounting her coronation.

In art we have been exploring the work of William Morris. 

In science we have learnt about Isaac Newton and his discoveries.

In history we continued learning about Victorian schools and had a mini experience of what a school lesson might have been like, learning about the cane, dunce hats and how lessons were taught. 

Lots of great work and effort this week, earning us our golden time on Friday during which we painted, played with k'nex/ Lego or created a fantasy football team! 

Well done to all our children who took the 11+ this week (and last week)!

SPaG and maths homework was given out today and should be completed and returned to school by next Thursday please. 

Saturday 13 September 2014

Week 2

Our first full week in Arnhem class has certainly been busy. Here is a brief overview of what we got up to this week:

In literacy we found out about the life and reign of Queen Victoria and started to write some super biographies. We enjoyed learning about Victoria's strict upbringing and about her marriage to Prince Albert.

In maths we have been rounding, using negative numbers and solving problems using our place value knowledge.

In history we have started to find out about Victorian schools, using clues from images as evidence for any similarities and differences.

In music we started to explore cyclic patterns by listening and identifying the melody and then having a go at playing it using tuned percussion.

In science we started to learn about forces and about the difference between mass and weight. We watched some BBC science clips which we found really interesting as we saw what the force of gravity would be like on other planets. 

We really enjoyed our golden time on Friday which we earned through following our school golden values all week. Some of us played cricket, some of us played with games and some of us chose to do some art.

Here is a photo of some of our golden time art work (using pastels to create some Monet inspired work).

No homework or spellings this week. 

Have a good weekend. 

Sunday 7 September 2014

First Week Back

Arnhem class had a great first week back. We are all looking forward to learning about the Victorians this term and have already made a start by looking at Queen Victoria and her family and making Victoria sponge cakes!