Friday 19 September 2014

Week 3

In maths we have been looking at our written methods for addition and subtraction.

In literacy we have been writing descriptions and also diary entries in the role of Queen Victoria recounting her coronation.

In art we have been exploring the work of William Morris. 

In science we have learnt about Isaac Newton and his discoveries.

In history we continued learning about Victorian schools and had a mini experience of what a school lesson might have been like, learning about the cane, dunce hats and how lessons were taught. 

Lots of great work and effort this week, earning us our golden time on Friday during which we painted, played with k'nex/ Lego or created a fantasy football team! 

Well done to all our children who took the 11+ this week (and last week)!

SPaG and maths homework was given out today and should be completed and returned to school by next Thursday please. 

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