Sunday 9 November 2014

Week 1

A busy first week back after our half term holiday...

In literacy we have been learning about the story of Oliver Twist, writing parts of the story and thinking about what it tells us about the Victorians. On Friday in our extended writing we wrote character descriptions of Fagin. We used a clip from a film to help us, writing about Oliver meeting Fagin for the first time. The children have worked so hard on using effective vocabulary, varying sentence openers and also building a picture of a villainous character. 

In science, we have moved in from our forces topic to learning about evolution. On Tursday afternoon we found out about how fossils are formed and then got chance to make dinosaur fossils. 

In maths we have been busy learning to tell the time, read timetables and calculate time duration. 

On Wednesday afternoon we enjoyed taking part in a mini netball tournament between oparnhem class and Holy Cross class. We haven't quite finished the tournament yet but have really enjoyed playing in mini competitions. 

(If I remember this week. I'll take some photos of some of our writing and fossils to put on the blog to show you. Any members of Arnhem class who read this- please remind me!!)

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